Underground rough gay porn

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“This was an outrageous and distasteful act within sight of passengers who were travelling on public transport,” he said. Gay porn stars condemned for threesome on London UndergroundĪfter the sentencing, CPS district crown prosecutor Simon Arloff criticised the men involved in the porn film.

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Prosecutors said Mullan was identified because of the distinctive tattoos on his arm, while Mason was traced through his Twitter account. The footage was posted on Twitter by an account associated with Mason, with the description: “Complete on live sex at front of general public on subway train!”Ī member of the public reported the tweet to British Transport Police.

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The gay threesome porn video, which was filmed on February 19 last year, shows the men engaging in masturbation, anal and oral sex as they travel three stops on the Northern Line from Leicester Square to Waterloo station. George Mason, 35, was ordered to pay a £1,000 fine (hungyoungbrit/twitter)

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